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38th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Perkins-Rosen Research Conference

December 1–3, 2021

The Cenomanian-Turonian Stratigraphic Interval Across the Americas: Argentina to Alaska

The Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) interval’s significance derives from how frequently fine-grained sediments of this age are unusually enriched in organic carbon, resulting in major hydrocarbon source deposits and unconventional reservoirs. The accompanying characteristics of a dramatic carbon isotopic excursion (Oceanic Anoxic Event–OAE-2) and deposition coincident with the highest sea-levels of the Phanerozoic, have led to the hypotheses that these attributes are produced by complex interactions between the bio-, hydro- and geospheres unique to this period. It is commonly asserted that high nutrient availability caused high primary productivity in the oceans, resulting in large volumes of organic carbon being fluxed to the sediment water interface. This carbon input contributed to low oxygen concentrations which, coupled with reduced water column circulation and reduced coarse clastic inputs, resulted in organic rich rocks coincidentally deposited across the globe. But is this the whole story?

The aim of 38th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Perkins-Rosen Research Conference is to assess the Cenomanian-Turonian sections preserved across the Americas (Argentina to the Arctic), targeting successions in diverse depositional basins with varied tectonic histories and/or different oceanographic settings across the region. This examination of how the fundamental stratigraphic controls interact to influence facies variability, including organic carbon enrichment, in a north to south transect should shed additional light on this unique and important period of the rock record.

To meet these goals, we are soliciting contributions from individuals in academic, industry and governmental organizations with experience in the structural, stratigraphic, oceanographic, climatic, and geochemical characteristics of Cenomanian-Turonian rocks or petroleum products from different locations across this wide-ranging geographic area. These foundational contributions will provide a basis for linking the fundamental controls to the rock record, and ultimately the prospectivity of these basins. We intend that these contributions will lead to a stronger understanding of the fundamental mechanisms controlling the global deposition and variability of this unique succession, and that the 38th Annual Perkins-Rosen Conference becomes known as a key milestone in achieving this understanding.

Themes and topical sessions may include:

Technical Program Committee Leaders

Joe Macquaker ExxonMobil, Houston, TX
Carmen Fraticelli Noble Energy, Houston, TX
Paul Markwick University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
John Suter GCSSEPM Foundation, Houston, TX

Technical Program Committee

Milly Wright Chemostratigraphy, Houston, TX
Catie Donohue Geomark, Houston, TX
Lauren Birgenheier University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Steven Sonnenberg Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Richard Denne Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX
Douglas Paton University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Per Pedersen University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada


The GCSSEPM Foundation supports and complies with the SEPM Code of Conduct.